Tax season has begun for your company in the USA. Tax period has started for LLC companies formed in the USA. You must declare your commercial activities in 2024 in the first quarter of 2025. If you have not yet filed a tax return, please read this content carefully.
We have prepared a guide for you on what declaration you should make for your company. In this guide, we tried to give you detailed information about which tax declaration is appropriate.
You must declare your activities in 2024 without delay in March 2025. You can take a look at the items below to determine which declaration you should make. You can order the items by selecting whichever declaration service suits you.
If your company was formed in 2025, you do not need to submit any declaration this year, but if your company in the USA was formed in January 2025 or before, you must choose one of the following options, whichever class you fall into;
Tax Filing Services for US Companies (Which Is Right for You?)
1- If your company is a single-member LLC - and achieved turnover in 2024, the declaration service you will receive: 1040NR-Single Member LLC- Tax Declaration
Service price: $650
Service content: Tax declaration, one-on-one conversation with the consultant, BOI report, expense display information, or free ITIN application
Order page:
Discount Coupon: START150 (Valid until December 31)
Discount Coupon: START100 (Valid until 31 March)
2- If your company is an LLC with multiple members and has achieved turnover in 2024, the declaration service you will receive: 1065-Partnership - Partnership LLC Tax Return
Service price: $1350
Service content: Tax declaration, one-on-one conversation with the consultant, BOI report, expense display information, or free ITIN application
Order page:
Discount Coupon: START150 (Valid until December 31)
Discount Coupon: START100 (Valid until 31 March)
3- If your company is a single-member LLC – no turnover in 2024 ($0 Zero income): 1Form 1120-5472 Return
Service price: $400
Service content: Tax declaration, one-on-one conversation with the consultant, BOI report, expense display information, or free ITIN application
Order page:
You will complete your Usan tax transactions by receiving service through our contracted business partner, TAM Accounting (Tam Mentor website).
You can immediately purchase what you need from the list above from the tax declaration services they have created for foreign company owners and e-commerce companies and start the process. After you place your order from the platform of our business partner, to whom we offer accounting and consultancy services, a team of Turkish consultants will contact you and arrange a live meeting to provide the necessary information.
Details will be given about the amount of tax to be paid (if tax is incurred), which tax class you fall into, the expenses to be deducted, and where and how the tax will be paid. In addition, your tax declaration will be completed accurately and on time.
Tam Accounting is an IRS approved and licensed consulting firm in the USA. We have been in business partnership with Tam Accounting, which specializes in foreign companies, for many years, so you can trust them as much as you trust our services.
7 Comments . New Comment
I started for e-commerce, but I took a long break because my capital was small. There is now my own pocket, of course, but the income part is 0 teacher.
I wouldn't send the 1040nr form because I didn't get income, so I won't need to get ITIN. I will only send 1120 and 5472 forms. Is it a problem because I have not sent the 1040NR form? How will Irs know that I didn't send it because I didn't earn income?
I am thinking of sending with a firim like Turbaux 1120 and 5472, but I don't know how. Thanks
If you are going to serve through Turbo TX, we recommend that you send this question to them. If they provide this service, there is no need to push it yes
Hello, do you have an article about the 1099K form? I couldn't find it on your site.
If not, what action should we take for the 1099K form we downloaded from Amazon? Can we fax the form provided by Amazon to the IRS ourselves? Will we need to agree with an accountant for this form?
If that form has arrived, it is an official document that you have received income from the USA. Do not fax that form to the IRS, it comes to Amazon from the IRS anyway. You must submit the form, along with your preliminary accounting records containing your income and expenses, to a licensed consultant in the USA. He/she will also prepare and send your tax return in the relevant class.
If you do not have a consultant in the USA, you can choose the service that suits you from the services on this page (If you have a single-member LLC company, 1040NR-Single Member LLC-Tax Declaration is the one that suits you): /
Discount Coupon: Start100 (Valid up to 31 Marta)
Thank you very much.
Hi I made sales in Australia with my LLC company, I downloaded 1099k from Usa Amazon. What kind of path should I follow?
You need to apply to the Musavire with the 1099k you downloaded until the end of March.