Get Tax Identification Number (EIN)

What is EIN? Employer Identification Number

Employer Identification Number ( EIN ) is also known as the Federal Tax Identification Number and is used to identify a business entity.

EIN is a 9-digit number that the IRS

Once you form your LLC, it is essential to obtain an EIN Number for your company. 

An LLC without an EIN number cannot engage in business activities. Bank account, Stripe, virtual POS, Amazon etc. cannot open accounts.

In short, after forming an llc in Usa, it is very important to obtain an EIN so that you can do business with your company.

How to Get an EIN?

To obtain an EIN, your company must first be set up. 

Get Your Free EIN Number

When you establish an LLC company with Northwest through our dealership reference, we will apply for your EIN free of charge. To benefit from the free EIN service, simply visit our Free EIN Application Campaign

After you submit your free EIN application, your EIN number will be delivered free of charge via mail to your US company address in approximately 2 to 6 weeks.