Let's Make Your EIN Application

We can take over this process for you with our professional, EIN application service. For only $29, we fill out your form without any errors, fax it to the IRS, track it, and keep you informed of the entire process.

What is EIN?

EIN (Employer Identification Number), also called Federal employer identification number or Federal tax identification number, is a nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRD) for the purpose of forming tax identity for business entities (Companies) in the United States.

Why is EIN Required?

As soon as a new company is formed in the USA, the first thing to do is to obtain an EIN, or tax number, for the company. Because this number is absolutely necessary during the bank account opening, taxation processes, and application for virtual POS systems such as Stripe and 2Checkout.

Why Do We Provide EIN Service?

our guide to starting a company in America, dozens of entrepreneurs established their companies at affordable prices and started their businesses. According to the e-mails and comments received from the followers, we encountered many incorrect transactions at the stage when they applied for EIN ( we explained how to do it for free here ), some applications were returned due to reasons such as incorrect or incomplete filling of the forms, incorrect faxing.

As is known, the EIN assignment process from the IRS takes around 40 to 50 days. The institution, which works with limited personnel due to the Covid epidemic, is queuing the transactions. If the application is returned due to an error, the 40-50 day waiting period starts again. So, even if you correct your mistake and fax the form again, your waiting time will start from the beginning and you will be put in the queue again.

For this reason, in order to avoid any missing documents or transactions, we submit your application for a fee as low as $29.

If you want to apply for EIN and receive service from us, the EIN Application Form and leave this task to us.

EIN Service Application Form

What are the advantages?

There are some advantages of getting EIN service from us, some of them are as follows;

Correct Filing

We fill out the SS4 form correctly and fax it to the IRS for you. Since the deadlines are long, you have no chance of making mistakes, so it is very important to fill out the form correctly. We fill out the form, submit it for your signature and initiate the necessary process.

$6 Monthly Advantage for Fax Number

The EIN process can take two months or more, during which time you'll save $5.99 each month. Over 2 months, you will save $18, so this service will actually cost you $11!

Result Tracking

Our fax is always open and we are following you. We track your EIN result and as soon as it arrives, we deliver your EIN result digitally by notifying you via Whatsapp and Email.

Best Price

We strive to offer the most affordable service in filling out the SS4 form for EIN and faxing it to the IRS. This service costs between $50 and $250 in the market and the process is exactly the same.

In short, we undertake the entire process by applying on your behalf without any errors.

Beware of Fake EIN Numbers

Do not trust freelancers who promise same-day delivery for $10.15. No one can get EIN on the same day at such an affordable price. However, there are some brokerage organizations that can obtain an EIN within a week. These organizations work as follows:

  • It asks you to fill out the SS4 form
  • Requests your company documents
  • He/she obtains the EIN number first in his/her own name but in your company's name.
  • Then the IRS will also take another action and transfer the number to your name.

This process is legal and you will obtain your EIN in a short time, but you will encounter a cost of approximately $250. If you say the price is not important, you can choose these organizations, but double-check their reviews and reliability.

Apply Now!

If you want to apply for EIN and receive service from us, the EIN Application Form and leave this task to us.

EIN Service Application Form

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