Issuing an Invoice from an LLC in Usa

How Do You Prepare Invoices After Product and Service Sales from Your Company in Usa?

After setting up an llc in the USA and taking care of the payment and bank account process, the next thing to do as an e-commerce business owner is to issue invoices.

How Do I Invoice? Is There a Need for an Accountant?

In this article, I will offer you a few alternatives on how to invoice. As for an accountant, it will be costly in the beginning, so you can do your own work and keep your preliminary accounting records yourself. After forming an llc in the USA and obtaining an EIN, there is no process like in Turkey.

We can explain it like this:

After forming an llc in Turkey and obtaining a tax certificate, the invoicing process is under the supervision of the tax office. It is necessary to get an invoice number and print a stub or become an e-invoice payer in the new system. In addition, every company has to fill out monthly tax returns, etc. For such transactions, one must agree with a financial advisor or accountant.

In Usa, there is no such thing as having an agreement with an accountant, receiving an invoice stub, or being an e-invoice liability. There is a declaration-based system, and you can issue your own invoice by creating a template yourself. Or online software that provides preliminary accounting and complete invoice automation is the best solution for this job.

If you prepare the invoice in Excel, you can send a copy to your customer and keep a copy for yourself. If you are taxed as a real company (multi-member LLC or Corp) rather than an individual, the invoices or sales records (pre-accounting) you prepare while having the accountant fill out your tax declaration will make their job easier and reduce your accounting costs.

How to Prepare an Invoice?

Since Usa does not have an invoice system like our country, you can prepare this yourself in a few ways. Some of the options are:

    1. Word or Excel: If you want, you can prepare an invoice template with the office application and make invoices with your own template and keep the records yourself. This process may cause confusion over time, you need to file properly.
    2. FreshBooks : You can use an online invoicing system. The most professional example of this is FreshBooks. With FreshBooks, sign up for the free version here (no credit card required) and get started. I recommend you at least become a member for free and see their skills and what they can do. With the $15/month package, you can invoice unlimited customers and keep your own online accounting. This software is a complete accounting system. It has numerous capabilities such as invoicing the customer, automatic sending of invoices via e-mail, integration with all e-commerce applications such as Stripe, Shopify, Woocommerce, monthly, annual, daily sales reporting and templates.

For example, when a customer buys something from your Shopify store, it keeps his account, opens an accounting record, automatically issues an invoice and sends an e-mail. You do not have to store this information, all information is stored in the cloud.

If it's time to collect sales tax, it automatically calculates the tax rate by state, saving you from an incredible workload.

The application has a lot of capabilities, probably even if you hire a paid accountant, it may not be able to keep track as efficiently. I can say that it guides you at every stage and takes you to the next stage about what you need to do.

FreshBooks which we also use for our own companies , and even send payments such as digital products and services to the customer along with the invoice by connecting it with Stripe.

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In the payment integration section, you can connect it to payment gateways, especially Stripe and PayPal, with a single click.

We have connected Stripe to our company account with Freshbooks. When we sell digital services (marketing, advertising management, web design, license sales, special software, consultancy), we can prepare an invoice here and send it to our customers with an embedded payment link along with the payment due date. It also has features such as payment reminders and sending e-mails to the customer before the due date.

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The software has an incredible set of tools in its admin panel Once you become a member, you can use all the features.

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Like your accountant:

The most asked question after opening this blog was;

-What about accounting after forming an llc in Usa?

-Why don't we keep accounting?

-Are we going to keep it?

-What are the preliminary accountant prices?

Here's an accountant for you! Automate all preliminary accounting. There is no need to collect invoices and receipts as in Turkey, and there is no need to send e-books etc. to the monthly tax office with a declaration for each transaction. Even though we talked about the tax advantages, there are still people who are not comfortable about paying taxes and doing accounting. At this stage, you invite the accounting firm you have agreed with to freshbooks. Since your EIN is also defined in the system, they can make your tax declaration thanks to this software.

So everything is automatic and based on solid foundations.

If you hire an accountant for taxes, all you have to do is give him/her authorization from freshbooks. It handles everything online and easily prepares your declaration. Every accounting firm or CPA in America knows about Freshbooks Become a member of Freshbooks, use at least the free version and understand the software, integrate Freshbooks into your online store and sit back, it's an automation that takes care of everything itself.

To become a free member and see its advantages, you can create an account without needing a credit card from this link.

  1. Stripe: If you use Stripe to receive payments, the management panel has a mini accounting software and also a template tool with which you can prepare electronic invoices. To do this, you can log in to your Stripe admin panel and open a customer client here
  2. Invoice template: Thanks to online tools that provide templates, you can download free invoice templates and choose one. There are many online tools on the internet for this job, for example, the most well-known one is invoice home . You can prepare your invoice by immediately downloading a template and adding your logo.

Issuing Invoices with Stripe (Preparing Invoices)

If you use Stripe, you may have discovered that it has a mini accounting tool. If you don't know, log in to the stripe panel and view the invoices section at

Issuing company invoices in Usa 1 Issuing Invoices from an LLC in Usallc company invoice Issuing Invoices from the Company in Usa

You can customize the invoice template before issuing an invoice. You can create a letterhead by uploading your own logo and applying your own corporate colors.

To do this, you can start by entering the branding

Invoicing an llc in Usa 2 Invoicing from an llc in Usa

This customization is reflected in both your invoice template and the emails sent to customers upon successful payment.

Preparing Invoices

To create a manual invoice via Stripe, you first need to create a customer record. To do this, click customers from the left menu.

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And click on the “Add customer” button in the upper right corner

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Fill in your customer's current information and save it.

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After creating a new customer record, click on the invoices link under customers.

Issuing company invoices in Usa 6 Issuing Invoices from an LLC in UsaClick the “create invoice” button in the upper right corner.

Issuing company invoices in Usa 7 Issuing Invoices from Companies in UsaFind the customer you will invoice for, fill in the price and all required fields and save your invoice.

Then you can see the invoice you created in the incoices section. If you want, you can send it directly from here via e-mail, or download it as a PDF and print it.

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Sample Invoice: 

Below is a screenshot of a stripe invoice I created for example purposes.

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In this way, you can both create invoices and keep your accounting records amateurly.

What Should Be on an Invoice? Should I Write an EIN?

In an invoice, information such as customer name, phone number, tax number (if any), address, name of your service, number, date, creation date, your address, phone number and company name must be precise. You can write your company's EIN number if you want, but you are not required by law to do so. However, writing an EIN can give confidence to the customer, so it is up to you whether to write it or not.


Creating an invoice for your company in America is different from the practice in Turkey. Everyone can issue their own invoices within the framework of some rules. You can use online applications or templates for this. FreshBooks to keep records and calculate income and expenses gives you an advantage. When you agree with an accountant, it can reduce your accounting expenses because it reduces the accountant's workload.

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27 Comments . New Comment

  • Hello, is it necessary for each invoice to have a purchase invoice like in Turkey? I can't find any information on this subject. Could you please shed some light on this?

    • Nazmi Özer
      July 29, 2024

      It will be useful to you when you declare, it will be in your interest to buy it, you will have the chance to deduct it from taxes by proving your purchases with these invoices.

  • Hello, I have a Floridan llc, they have the same name title as my company in Turkey. Will there be a problem if we issue an export invoice to Florida from an llc in Turkey, with the majority of invoices among each other? I own 100% shares in both companies. In short, I sell goods from Turkey to my company in the USA.

    • Nazmi Özer
      December 13, 2023

      Hello, it would be beneficial for you to consult the financial advisor you work with. They are certainly more knowledgeable about the subject than we are. Because this issue is special to you.

      • Mr. Nazmi

        Can the place from which we purchase accounting services in the United States provide information on this matter? For example, when we receive an order, we issue an invoice directly to our company in Turkey, give it UPS, and then send it to the customer. We receive payment for the order via Shopify Payment in the USA. We do not invoice the customer. I think there is something missing here. Can you share with us what you know? Are we managing the wrong process?

        • Nazmi Özer
          4 August 2024


          We have no knowledge about the subject, if you want, get professional support from a consultant so that you do not have problems in the future.

  • Hello,
    I have an LLC company, but I have not started sales yet, I am waiting for some of my processes to be completed.
    When I buy a product from my supplier, should I write my EIN number other than my company address when invoicing me?
    thank you in advance

    • Nazmi Özer
      September 9, 2023

      No, it is not necessary, the full name and address of the company will be sufficient. If you create an invoice when you make a sale, then add the company's EIN number to the document.

  • Omer Kalemdar
    December 7, 2022

    Hello, I have an LLC company. If I want to invoice an llc in Turkey, can I only invoice it in dollars or can I invoice it in TL? Do I need to add any tax items on it?

    • Nazmi Özer
      December 8, 2022


      Bill in dollars, but prepare the invoice in Turkish. You do not need to add taxes, just write the items and specify the total amount in USD. In this form, it is treated as an expense.

  • Hello. I understand that the LLC company registered with Amazon does not have to invoice the customer for FBA shipments, is this true?

  • Anıl Bayrak
    June 17, 2022

    Hello, thank you for the information. There is a question that comes to my mind; if I am not mistaken, when we make sales to a customer in America with our company in America, we need to collect Sales Tax according to the state. So, what should we do about sales tax and VAT when invoicing a customer outside the USA?
    So for example; In the state of Wyoming, when we make a $100 sale, the customer pays $104.
    If we sell $100 to a customer in Turkey, how much will we invoice? Should we add VAT?

    Thank you,
    good work.

    • Hello,

      It would be better to consult a financial advisor on this question. We do not want to mislead since we have no knowledge about the subject.

      We thank you for your understanding and wish you luck.

  • Hello, first of all, thank you for your nice articles.
    1- Can I issue the invoice in Turkish? Except for my company information, all other information will be in Turkish. I do business digitally and my customers are from Turkey, so I would like to speak Turkish if it is not a problem.
    2-My company is in New Mexico. From what you shared and what I researched, annual reports etc. up to $100k. I don't have to give. As long as I don't exceed this amount, do I need to file a return or do anything annually?
    3-Some Turkish customers receive money in person. Even though I usually pay it into my Wise TRY account, is there a problem if I still issue an invoice and get paid in cash when I need to buy it in person? Or should everything be electronic?

    Thank you very much for your answers in advance. I ask the questions knowing that you are not an accountant or a lawyer, just share what you know. At least you know more than us. Regards 🙂

  • Thank you sir for your valuable information. Can we invoice a customer in Turkey through an llc we formed in the USA? Is this invoice accepted by the tax system? Is it subject to any extra processing during the import regime? Thanks.

    • Hello,

      It's an accounting issue, but think about it this way: Have you never accepted an invoice from a foreign company?

  • Thank you sir for your nice writing. This came to my mind. How do we need to follow the invoice number? Ex. I will be making an invoice for the first time. Invoice No. 0000001 looked bad to me. Do I have a chance to change this? Also, do we increase the number by +1 for ongoing invoices?

    • Hello,

      It's not a big deal, create a code you can understand for yourself and continue by increasing it by +1
      . For example; You can continue like 002021-1, 002021-2, 002021-3.

      • I understand With your permission, I would like to ask one more question. Is it possible to issue invoices in currencies other than US dollars and receive payments to company accounts in other countries? Can I create a Transferwise business account and receive payments in euros from my customer in Germany to my Transferwise euro account?

        • You can also receive and send payments from other countries and other currencies to your Wise business account, you need to keep records of these transactions and forward them to your accountant because transactions in Wise business accounts are reported to the IRS, which may cause tax or financial aspects of the transactions. At the same time, I recommend that you consult a consultant regarding the billing and taxation aspects. Since we are not tax experts or licensed advisors, we are not authorized to give financial advice on public platforms. The information we provide here is misunderstood as tax advice and creates the perception that it can be valid for all commercial activities.
          Please excuse me for this.

  • Hello, thank you for this beautiful site, well done.
    For example, we established an LLC in Kentucky, we established a website for e-commerce and we will do dropshipping. Is it necessary to issue and send invoices to all customers by e-mail for the sales we make through our site? If necessary, how long should it be done?

  • I would like to make a small addition, they can find invoice software on codecanyon.


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