Providing Traffic to Websites

There is always a need for new customers in sales channels. In order to acquire new visitors, it is necessary to constantly send visitor traffic to sales pages, e-commerce sites or mobile applications.


Traffic is the lifeline of an online business. If you cannot direct new customers to websites where your products or services are displayed, you cannot generate income from your online business. Your income depends on the amount of traffic you refer.

The fastest way to send traffic to your websites (your online business) is through paid advertising. Advertising on social media channels such as Google ads or Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, TikTok and LinkedIn is the easiest way to increase your sales.

You may be hesitant to place paid advertising for different reasons. Based on my experience, I can say that most people are afraid of advertising either because they are worried about losing money or because they have experienced bad results in the past.

Directing Paid Traffic to Websites

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) With search engine optimization, traffic to websites can be obtained through Google. This way, you can direct your visitors to your sites organically. However, this job requires both experience, expertise and time.

Additionally, since search engines constantly change their algorithms, in some cases organic traffic can suddenly disappear. You may have experienced this in the past. Unfortunately, this will cause you to lose money. If you can closely follow the updates made by search engines and take the necessary precautions, things can change. But as I said at the beginning, SEO really requires effort, time and knowledge. Especially if you are trying to exist in a competitive field, you need to make extra efforts to maintain your position.

If SEO is really such a bumpy business, how will you exist on the internet?

Actually the answer is clear! The solution is to use paid ads.

In order to earn regular income, you should focus on traffic that will come this way by giving paid advertisements.

There are many advertising methods;

Google search network ads (PPC per click) and Social Media Ads are the two most effective advertising methods for this business.

When you advertise, you have the opportunity to quickly test your product's share in the market.
As we mentioned above, it takes a lot of time to get organic traffic from search engines, blogs and social media. When you advertise on a blog within the article content, you get high traffic when it is first published, but when the article becomes outdated or the blog is discontinued, the traffic drops significantly.

Traffic from paid ads gets you results instantly, you don't have to wait at all. You can also follow your campaign in real time from your ad panel, monitor how many people click on your page and spend as much as your budget. You can stop the ad when you don't want it, it's entirely up to you.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the topic, people are afraid of losing money by advertising, or they are afraid of getting bad results because they have made losses this way in the past.

If you learn about advertisements well or get support from a professional on this issue, you will avoid your fears of losing money. Don't let the bad results you've experienced before affect you and stress you out, think about how you'll make money as a result. This gives you extra peace of mind so you can focus better on your work.

If you've lost money by advertising in the past (or if the advertising didn't work), you may have gone wrong somewhere. Because a well-designed advertising campaign always works.

Check Ad Conversion Costs

When you place paid advertising, you should carefully analyze the return on advertising costs. If you haven't had success with advertising in the past, it's probably because you didn't fully control the return on advertising. Or the incorrect construction of your campaign may be a factor in this.

When you test the traffic and conversion from ads, you can immediately understand whether the campaign is working or not. It is very difficult to understand whether you have made a loss or profit by using advertisements only once and without examining the results.

Advertise with a small budget in the beginning, measure the revenue you generate. If the money you pay does not meet the incoming profit rate,
you are making a loss. It is entirely up to you to adjust this.

We should never forget this in advertising: Spend money as you earn money!

Never stop any advertising campaign that makes you money throughout the investment and always invest money and continue. Of course, this may change for Facebook ads because there is a phenomenon called ad fatigue. If you constantly give the same advertisement to the same audience by increasing the budget, after a while it will reach saturation and its efficiency will begin to decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze advertisements frequently and update the target audience and advertising campaigns used, especially in social media advertisements.

The design of the page to which you direct customers and optimizing this page for sales also increases conversions. Try to constantly improve your sales page, make your website fast, do not keep people waiting because time is valuable for everyone.
Testing with small budgets depending on your product and the competition is a great way to measure conversion. You must constantly test because without testing it is difficult to understand what is successful and what is not.

Spending money to make more money from an online business is the key to success.

The Two Most Important Traffic Sources

The most important sources of paid traffic are search engines and social media ads. Try to consistently use these two advertising sources to accelerate revenue growth in your earnings journey.

Google ads can provide you with an attractive return, but it is necessary to use social media ads in the same way. It is a fact that social media ads increase the profit rate in some categories, but it is necessary to conduct a conversion test under all circumstances.

Now let's take a closer look at these search engine and social media advertising platforms.

Search Engines

The four major search engines are Google, Yandex, Yahoo, and Bing. Although it is said that there are four major search engines, we should not discuss Google's leadership.
Google: Holding 80% of the market share in advertising, Google is the most popular platform. The company's flagship, Google Ads, is an advertising platform that should be used to attract more customers and increase sales.

Google Ads is a platform that allows you to market your product to the whole world from where you sit, thanks to its easy user interface and multi-language support. With Google Ads, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad; displayed ads are free as long as they're not clicked. The cost of advertising depends on your budget, Google is the most expensive platform in search engine advertising due to its high demand. As is known, costs per click vary depending on geography and keyword competition level.

Social Media

Paid advertising platforms are not just search engines, you can also advertise on social media and the costs can be lower than Google. Some of the most popular social media platforms are Facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn. Each platform serves a specific purpose.
success with social media advertising , it is necessary to understand the context of each platform.

For example,

  • LinkedIn is a more professional network and business professionals use this platform
  • Facebook is mostly used to keep track of friends, family, people in your network and acquaintances.
  • Twitter, on the other hand, focuses on trends. It is a network that constantly keeps its finger on the pulse of the agenda.

Facebook and Instagram

Facebook (since Instagram is also a Facebook platform, what we will explain covers both) is a social platform with more than one and a half billion users worldwide. People often use Facebook to reunite with old friends. Using Facebook ads, you can target your customers based on their location, behavior, interests, connections and demographic characteristics.

This means you can make your marketing processes more efficient by advertising directly based on your customer portrait. Thanks to Facebook's first-class targeting system, you can group people based on their age, gender, hobbies, and even personal networks, allowing you to find customers directly in your category.

The only downside to using Facebook ads is that it exists on a very social platform. Although trying to sell something to people in an environment where they connect with their friends may seem like a disadvantage, it can yield positive results depending on the product.

Additionally, thanks to the Facebook pixel tool, very valuable customer data can be collected after achieving a certain level of traffic. When Pixel is designed properly, it provides numerous benefits such as visited pages, page visit rate, custom audiences, tracking and more. As soon as you install your Pixel on your website, make the necessary adjustments and start collecting data about your target audience, which will provide you with a serious return on investment in the future.


It is a platform that keeps the agenda. On Twitter, people spend most of their time reviewing current news feeds and events. Twitter ads allow you to easily analyze customers' behavior and optimize your campaign performance in real time. It can be used as an alternative to Facebook depending on the product and service to be sold.


With more than 500 million members worldwide, Linkedin is an active social network for business professionals. LinkedIn ads target all business owners, small and large.

Since options such as audience, sector and industry can be directly targeted, Linkedin can be more advantageous in advertising in some cases. Linkedin has a database of millions of experts, making it a more ideal place to market high-value products and services than other networks.

Build Your Email List

If you are going to be constantly present in the internet industry and have the goal of constantly making money from this industry, you need to have a customer list. A customer list refers to an email database and has many advantages for an online business.

For example, when you launch a new product or service, you will first
have the chance to pre-sell your product to thousands of customers on your e-mail list. We gave an example of this here

In addition to gaining new customers through efforts such as advertising and promotion, it is valuable to have a list of customers you already know and trust you. An up-to-date email list makes it easier to sell future products.

Although email marketing is a very old method, it is still up to date and works great. Thanks to e-mails, you can quickly reach your customer base and have the opportunity to market your products and services to them over and over again.

The sample story below is a perfect example of the point. This person not only collected email addresses, but also applied almost every principle discussed in this section.

Let's look at how Valerie Shoopman makes a big profit with paid ad traffic:

Sample Story: Valerie Shoopman

This exemplary success story is a good example of almost every principle mentioned in this section. The story describes the high profits generated by a successful advertising campaign. According to an interview on the ConversionCast podcast, Facebook marketing expert Valerie Shoopman generated $61,000 in revenue in just 4 days using Facebook ads.

He achieved this profit through a collaboration with online business consultant Nick Unsworth. As far as is known, they directed the traffic obtained through Facebook ads to 2 high-quality webinars and spent 5,269 USD for this. In other words, $5,000 was spent to make $61,000 in sales. This means a return on investment of 1129%!

As a result of the advertising, 25 seats were sold to Valerie's $997 live training and a consultancy to a quality client of Nick's who was $3,000 per month.

increasing website traffic Providing Traffic to Websites

According to the interview, the content of the seminar that Nick and Valerie sold consisted of 20 days of Facebook advertising training. During the first 10 days, Nick gave training on market finding, success rate measurement, and brand positioning. Over the past 10 days, Valerie has covered the technical aspects of Facebook marketing, such as ad placement and conversion tracking.

The member recruitment process, which they supported with advertising, worked as follows;

When a person clicks on the ad, they are directed to a landing page. There is a counter on the page showing the time the training will start, and on the same page there is a short registration area where people's contact information is collected, while the training content is included at the bottom.

Additionally, Nick and Valerie aimed to instill a sense of trust in their customers by adding their own pictures to the page. Potential customers who filled out the short registration form on the page were periodically informed via e-mail until the training started. It is claimed that many sales were made during these e-mail notifications from people who did not make a purchase at that moment.

This strategy is a great example of driving paid traffic. To monitor the return on advertising, Valerie used pixels from Facebook's advertising management panel to track interaction on both the sales page and the landing page. Thanks to Pixel, it instantly observed where the traffic was coming from. Thanks to pixels or tracking codes that are widely used in advertising, successful and unsuccessful advertisements can be observed accurately.


Don't be afraid to use social media and search engine ads. Create campaigns and test your projects with small budgets. At this stage, create a quality landing page, collect the e-mail addresses of potential customers and inform them frequently about your products and campaigns.

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3 Comments . New Comment

  • I understand, thank you. I'll do some more research.

  • Hello,

    Since our IP address automatically appears as TR in Facebook and Google Ads ads, will there be any problems with TL paid ads, that is, will there be a suspension situation? Or would it be more appropriate to use a VPS like PayPal and advertise with USD payments? If you have experience on this subject, I would appreciate it if you could share it.

    • When you open your Facebook advertising account, you specify the currency in Business Manager. The currency you select the first time remains the same and does not change afterwards. For a dollar account, you need to open a new account. You do not need a VPS. You can also open a USD account from the TR IP address. But it may be required for Google Ads, I don't know, do some research if you want.


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