How to Cancel EIN Number?

You have formed an LLC company in Usa and received an EIN for your company from the IRS. But things did not go well and you want to close your company, we wanted to share with you a few details that need to be done for this.

You formed your LLC, obtained an EIN, and did not engage in any business activity during the year. In this case, you can cancel your EIN number and deactivate your company's tax ID number with the IRS.

Canceling the EIN number of an llc registered with the IRS is called “Closing a Business Account.” EIN numbers actually remain with the IRS, they are never deleted or given to another company, they are simply decommissioned.

Important Information: If you did not have any commercial activities in the year you opened your company, did not open a bank account in the name of the company and did not make cash inflows and outflows, and if you do not have any tax declaration responsibilities, you can close your company and deactivate your EIN number. When you do this, your company's identity with the IRS becomes deactivated and irreversibly canceled.

How to cancel EIN? Here are the step by step procedures;

1- Download EIN Cancellation Petition

Download the EIN cancellation petition draft at the link below

EIN cancellation petition sample

2- Fill out the EIN Cancellation Petition

Carefully fill out the petition sample you downloaded. Write the date at the top in Month/Day/Year format. Fill in the other sections according to your company information. Don't forget to fill in the contact information at the bottom.

3- Mail the EIN Cancellation Petition to the IRS

After filling out the petition carefully, printing and signing it, do not forget to place your EIN approval letter (147 C or Cp 575) from the IRS, which you received at the first appointment, in the same envelope with your petition.

The only way to deliver this cancellation document to the IRS is by physical mailing. You cannot submit this document (requesting cancellation) to the IRS via Fax or E-mail. Once you have all your documents ready, mail your envelope to any of the IRS addresses below.

Internal Revenue Service
MS 6055
Kansas City, MO 64108


Internal Revenue Service
MS 6273
Ogden, UT 84201

You Will Receive a Document for EIN Cancellation Confirmation

You will receive a cancellation confirmation letter within 45 days of submitting your document to the IRS. If your company mailing address in the USA is still active, this document will be delivered to you. The document contains a text covering the EIN cancellation.

4- If You Do Not Receive a Cancellation Letter, You Can Make Your Second Request

If you have not received a letter 45 days after mailing the documents, write “Second Request” in handwriting at the top of the petition and re-mail the document with the same date to the IRS. This way, you will ensure the closing process, but most of the time, the IRS may not send a closing document the first time, you should take this into consideration.

You can call the IRS by phone.

To find out the status of your cancellation application, you can call the IRS at +1 800-829-4933 during weekday business hours.

After the search, press 1 for English. Click on the menu where you can get information about the Employer Identification Number, then press the other help menu and when you reach the officer, you can explain your situation and have a cancellation check.

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8 Comments . New Comment

  • Sinan Demiral
    December 15, 2024

    Hello, I founded my company in March 2024, I closed it last month, but I did not do any business with the company, I had my company closed by a consultant, it was closed through the state and I received a document, but no application was made regarding EIN, no document was received, the company was closed, nothing else was needed, is it really like this? Or do I need to send the mail you say? Can you help me?

    • Nazmi Özer
      December 15, 2024


      Your EIN number must still be active in the Irs. If the company has been closed, you need to cancel your EIN number.

      • Sinan Demiral
        December 16, 2024

        Mr. Nazmi, do we need to write the company opening date in the date section of the cancellation petition or do I need to write the date of today when I wrote the petition and I would like to ask a question about the signature, please do we just sign in a blank space at the bottom?

        • Nazmi Özer
          December 16, 2024

          Include the date you will send. By signing below, you can put the spouse's approval letter and company closing documents in the same envelope and mail them to the relevant address.

  • Hello,
    after I closed the company, I sent the petition to the IRS as you described, with the EIN approval paper. It has been almost 3 months, but there has been no response. Are the returns sent to the address where we bought it in America? I wonder if it couldn't be canceled because it was a debt? How do we find out about this? I sent it to the address below. Do I need to send it to the same place again? Thanks.

    Internal Revenue Service
    MS 6273
    Ogden, UT 84201

    • Nazmi Özer
      October 10, 2024

      Most of the time, the IRS does not send documents and cancels them. The only way to find out is to call the IRS and ask.

  • Hello. First of all, thank you for sharing useful information.
    My question will be slightly off topic. I applied for an EIN. My application arrived, but they wrote the first letter of my name wrong. I sent a fax to the IRS for this, but there was no response. When I call they say call me later. As you know, I have 90 days to fill out the Boi form and I have a little time left. Can you please guide me on what I need to do for this?

    • Nazmi Özer
      16 August 2024


      Unfortunately, such mistakes can happen. You fill out your BOI report, it will not affect this, you can call and ask for a correction later. 


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